About Us

Hey I’m Jenny – Founder of RunFromCanada.com

Jenny Smart

Founder, CEO, Writer

About Us at Run From Canada:

Hey there, I’m Jenny Smart, the heart and mind behind runfromcanada.com. While I still love Canada, my team and I have been dedicated to helping Canadians in starting a new life abroad since 2017.

My Personal Story:

As a natural explorer, I’ve always been intrigued by the world beyond our borders. Raised in Vancouver, a city teeming with international influences, I grew up around worldly cultures while never having to leave Canada. However it wasn’t until 2016 when I saw my beautiful home country of Canada starting to take a turn for the worse.

Canada’s rising inflation, cost of living, rent prices, and declining healthcare services and let me (and many more young professionals) to look for a new start outside my country home country. After a lot of mistakes, trials, and tribulations, I settled in Spain and have been living there ever since.

Our Mission:

Runfromcanada.com isn’t just about us leaving Canada; it’s about embracing global opportunities and being able to live your Canadian dream abroad. My team specializes in providing detailed guidance and support for Canadians looking to move abroad, whether for work, education, retirement, weather, or adventure.

Looking to leave Canada?

Take the country quiz to see where you belong!