Taiwan Emigration for Canadians


RFC Emigration Score: 85/100

Embarking on a journey to a new country is an exciting and transformative experience. Taiwan, an island nation known for its bustling cities, rich cultural heritage, and breathtaking natural landscapes, offers a unique blend of modernity and tradition. This guide is designed to provide a comprehensive overview for those contemplating a new chapter in Taiwan. Renowned for its friendly locals, efficient public infrastructure, and a high standard of living, Taiwan stands out as a top destination for expatriates. From the vibrant streets of Taipei to the serene beauty of the East Coast, Taiwan presents a myriad of experiences. Whether you’re drawn to the prospect of exploring its rich cultural tapestries, indulging in the famous night markets, or embarking on outdoor adventures in its stunning natural settings, Taiwan promises a fulfilling and diverse lifestyle. As we delve into the various aspects of living in Taiwan, from healthcare and safety to job opportunities and social integration, this guide aims to equip you with essential insights to navigate life in this dynamic island nation.

Why Taiwan is Right For You:

Budget and Cost of Living:

Taiwan is an attractive destination for expatriates seeking an affordable yet high-quality lifestyle. The cost of living is reasonable, with affordable local cuisine, efficient public transportation, and lower healthcare costs. However, housing in urban centers like Taipei can be expensive, and expats should budget accordingly for rent and utilities.



Taiwan’s climate varies from north to south, offering diverse living experiences. The southern part of the island enjoys warmer weather throughout the year, while the north, including Taipei, experiences cooler temperatures and more rainfall, especially during the monsoon season.



The island experiences a subtropical climate, characterized by hot and humid summers and mild winters. The northern part of Taiwan, including Taipei, tends to be cooler and wetter, offering a comfortable climate for those unused to tropical heat.



Taiwan is known for its safety and low crime rates, making it an ideal destination for families and solo expatriates. The Taiwanese people are known for their friendliness and helpfulness, further contributing to the overall sense of security in the country.



Taiwan, particularly Taipei, is famous for its vibrant nightlife. The city offers a plethora of options ranging from lively night markets serving delicious street food to trendy bars and clubs. The nightlife scene is a blend of traditional Taiwanese culture and modern entertainment, catering to a wide range of preferences.


Healthcare Access:

Taiwan’s healthcare system is renowned for its high quality and affordability. The National Health Insurance program provides comprehensive medical coverage to residents, including expatriates, ensuring access to a wide range of medical services at a low cost.



While Mandarin Chinese is the official language, English is commonly used in business and educational settings, especially in larger cities. Expatriates may find it beneficial to learn some basic Mandarin for daily interactions, although language barriers are generally low in urban areas.


Political Stability:

Taiwan enjoys a stable democratic political system. However, expatriates should be aware of the ongoing complex geopolitical tensions with China, which can impact the political atmosphere from time to time.


Beach Score:

Taiwan’s beautiful coastline offers a variety of beaches, especially on the east coast, known for their scenic beauty and recreational activities. These beaches are perfect for water sports enthusiasts and those looking to relax by the sea and enjoy warm water temperatures.


Nature Score:

The island’s diverse natural landscape includes stunning mountains, lush forests, and hot springs. Outdoor enthusiasts will find plenty of opportunities for hiking, mountain biking, and exploring the natural beauty of Taiwan.


Natural Disasters:

Taiwan’s location makes it prone to natural disasters such as typhoons and earthquakes. However, the country’s preparedness and response systems are highly developed, helping to mitigate the impact of such events.


Economic/Job Opportunities:

Taiwan offers a dynamic job market, particularly in the technology, education, and business sectors. The economy is robust, with a strong focus on innovation and technology, offering various opportunities for skilled expatriates.


Shopping and Grocery Access:

Taiwan provides excellent shopping experiences, ranging from traditional markets offering fresh local produce to modern malls with international brands. The availability of both local and imported goods makes it convenient for expatriates to find everything they need.


Cost of WiFi/Data Score:

: With widespread internet access and affordable data plans, Taiwan is well-connected, making it easy for residents to stay in touch with family and work remotely. The high-speed internet infrastructure is among the best in Asia.


Pharmacy Access:

: Pharmacies are easily accessible throughout Taiwan, especially in urban areas. They offer a wide range of medications and health-related products, and many pharmacists are able to provide assistance in English.


Cryptocurrency Acceptance

The cryptocurrency market in Taiwan is growing, with an increasing interest in digital currencies and blockchain technology, especially among the tech-savvy population and in major urban centers.


Bank Safety:

Taiwan’s banking system is reliable and secure, offering a range of financial services. There are numerous national and international banks operating in the country, providing a safe environment for financial transactions.


Public Transportation and Infrastructure:

Taiwan is renowned for its efficient and modern public transportation system, particularly in major cities like Taipei. The high-speed rail, metro systems, and extensive bus networks make commuting and traveling around the island convenient and affordable.


Cultural Activities and Events:

Taiwan boasts a rich cultural scene, with a calendar full of festivals, traditional arts performances, and numerous museums. The island’s unique blend of indigenous, Chinese, and Japanese influences creates a vibrant cultural landscape that is both fascinating and educational.


Social Integration & Community Support:

The Taiwanese are known for their hospitality and warmth towards foreigners. Expatriates often find it easy to integrate into the community, with numerous expat groups and resources available for support and socializing.


Taxation and Financial Incentives:

Taiwan’s taxation system for expatriates is reasonable, with potential tax benefits. However, understanding the local tax laws is important, and seeking professional advice can be helpful in navigating the financial landscape.


Real Estate Affordability and Availability:

The real estate market in Taiwan offers a variety of options, ranging from modern apartments in urban areas to more affordable housing in rural regions. While property prices in Taipei can be high, other areas of the island offer more budget-friendly options.


RFC’s Malaysia Emigration Score:


In conclusion, Taiwan offers a captivating mix of traditional charm and contemporary living, making it an appealing choice for those seeking a new home abroad. The island’s reputation for safety, combined with its advanced healthcare system and vibrant cultural scene, creates an inviting environment for expatriates and their families. Taiwan’s diverse landscape, ranging from bustling urban centers to tranquil mountainous regions, ensures that there is something for everyone. While adapting to life in Taiwan may come with its challenges, such as language barriers and understanding local customs, the welcoming nature of its people and the strong expatriate community provide a supportive network for newcomers. Whether you’re looking to advance your career, immerse yourself in a new culture, or simply enjoy a high quality of life, Taiwan stands ready to offer a rich and rewarding experience. As you embark on this journey, embrace the opportunities for personal and professional growth that life in Taiwan brings, and discover the unique blend of tradition and innovation that defines this beautiful island.


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