UAE Emigration for Canadians


RFC Emigration Score: 85/100

The United Arab Emirates, a federation of seven emirates, has emerged as a beacon of modernity, luxury, and cultural amalgamation, attracting people from all corners of the globe. This review aims to provide an insightful glimpse into the multifaceted aspects of life in the UAE. From the sun-kissed beaches of Dubai to the bustling marketplaces of Abu Dhabi, the UAE offers a unique blend of tradition and innovation, safety and excitement, solitude and social vibrancy. Whether you are a professional seeking career growth, a family desiring a safe environment, or an adventurer looking to explore new cultures, the UAE presents a tapestry of experiences. Let’s delve into the various facets of life in the UAE, evaluating crucial parameters such as safety, economic opportunities, cultural richness, and lifestyle amenities, to aid in your decision-making process for starting a new chapter in the Land of the Golden Sands.

Why UAE is Right For You:

Budget and Cost of Living:

The United Arab Emirates offers a diverse range of living expenses, catering to various lifestyles. While cosmopolitan cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi are known for their luxurious lifestyle, which can be costly, there are numerous budget-friendly options available in other emirates and suburbs. Prospective emigrants should plan their finances considering high accommodation costs and a luxurious consumer culture.



Dominated by an arid desert climate, the UAE experiences minimal rainfall and dry conditions. This unique climate contributes to the country’s innovative approaches to agriculture and sustainability. It’s an interesting environment for those keen on experiencing life in a modern desert landscape.



The UAE is characterized by its hot and humid climate for most of the year, with temperatures soaring during the summer months. However, the winters are pleasantly cool and comfortable, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities and tourism. This climate is perfect for those who enjoy sunny weather almost year-round.



The UAE is globally recognized for its low crime rates and strict law enforcement, making it one of the safest countries in the world. Its focus on security and social order makes it a preferred destination for families and individuals seeking a secure living environment.



Known for its glamorous and vibrant nightlife, especially in cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi, the UAE offers a plethora of options ranging from upscale nightclubs to serene beach bars. The diverse nightlife caters to all tastes, making it a hotspot for entertainment and socializing.


Healthcare Access:

The UAE boasts state-of-the-art healthcare facilities and services, with a strong network of hospitals and clinics. However, healthcare costs can be high, and it’s advisable for expats to have comprehensive health insurance.



Arabic is the official language, but the UAE’s diverse expatriate population has made English widely spoken and understood. This linguistic diversity makes it easier for newcomers to adapt and communicate.


Political Stability:

The UAE is characterized by its stable political environment, underpinned by strong leadership and progressive policies. This stability is a key factor in the country’s appeal as a destination for international business and living.


Beach Score:

With its extensive coastline, the UAE offers some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, particularly in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. The pristine beaches are perfect for relaxation, water sports, and family outings.


Nature Score:

While the UAE’s desert landscape dominates, there are several green oases, nature reserves, and beautifully landscaped parks that provide a natural escape from the urban environment. The contrast between the desert and developed green spaces is striking.


Natural Disasters:

The UAE is geographically positioned in a zone with minimal natural disaster risks, making it a safe haven from earthquakes, hurricanes, and other common natural calamities. This aspect significantly enhances its attractiveness as a stable and secure place to live.


Economic/Job Opportunities:

The UAE’s dynamic economy offers abundant job opportunities, particularly in sectors like finance, tourism, real estate, and technology. Its position as a global business hub makes it an attractive destination for career growth and entrepreneurship.


Shopping and Grocery Access:

The UAE is a shopper’s paradise, with numerous world-class malls, traditional souks, and a wide range of grocery stores. This accessibility to a variety of shopping experiences caters to all preferences and needs.


Cost of WiFi/Data Score:

While the UAE offers high-speed internet and advanced telecommunications infrastructure, the cost of WiFi and data services is relatively higher compared to global standards. This factor is essential for those reliant on digital connectivity for work and social purposes.


Pharmacy Access:

Access to pharmacies in the UAE is excellent, with numerous well-stocked facilities across cities and towns. The healthcare system ensures that essential medications and health products are readily available.


Cryptocurrency Acceptance

The UAE, particularly Dubai, is progressively embracing cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies, making it an emerging hub for digital currencies. This forward-thinking approach is attracting tech-savvy individuals and investors.


Bank Safety:

The UAE’s banking sector is renowned for its stability, security, and robust regulatory framework. This reputation for bank safety is reassuring for expatriates and investors handling financial transactions in the country.


Public Transportation and Infrastructure:

Major cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi offer efficient public transportation systems, including metros, buses, and taxis. However, public transport coverage is less extensive in other regions. The overall infrastructure in the UAE is world-class, with constant developments enhancing connectivity and accessibility.


Cultural Activities and Events:

The UAE hosts a rich array of cultural activities and events, reflecting its diverse population and heritage. From art exhibitions to music festivals and cultural celebrations, there is always something happening for those interested in cultural immersion.


Social Integration & Community Support:

The UAE’s multicultural environment offers various avenues for social integration. However, the experience can vary, with some finding it easier to blend into the expatriate communities than into local Emirati society. Community support systems and social groups are active and welcoming.


Taxation and Financial Incentives:

One of the key attractions of the UAE is its favorable taxation policies, including no personal income tax. This aspect, coupled with financial incentives for businesses, makes it an attractive destination for professionals and entrepreneurs.


Real Estate Affordability and Availability:

Real estate in the UAE, particularly in prime locations, can be expensive. However, the market also offers a range of affordable housing options, especially outside the city centers. The real estate sector is well-regulated, providing a secure investment environment.


RFC’s UAE Emigration Score:


In summary, the United Arab Emirates stands as a testament to what a vision backed by resourcefulness and inclusivity can achieve. It’s a country where futuristic cities rise from the desert sands, where diverse cultures coexist in harmony, and where opportunities unfold in the blink of an eye. While this review has touched upon key aspects that make the UAE an attractive destination for emigration, it’s the experience of living here that truly encapsulates its essence. The UAE is not just about the luxury and the grandeur; it’s about the warmth of its people, the safety of its streets, the efficiency of its infrastructure, and the boundless opportunities it offers. Whether you seek a life of tranquility by the serene beaches or the thrill of a fast-paced urban setting, the UAE offers a spectrum of lifestyles to suit every preference. As you contemplate beginning a new life in the UAE, remember that every emigrant’s journey is unique, and the country’s multifaceted nature ensures there is something for everyone. Embark on this adventure with an open heart and mind, and the United Arab Emirates could very well be the haven you seek for a prosperous and fulfilling life.


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