Costa Rica Emigration for Canadians

Costa Rica

RFC Emigration Score: 87/100

Is it the allure of its warm, sandy beaches, the call of its exotic wildlife, or the promise of a sustainable lifestyle? These questions often come to mind when Canadians ponder the idea of migrating to the serene and vibrant landscapes of Costa Rica. This Central American gem, nestled between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, is more than just a tropical getaway; it’s a destination where many Canadians are finding a new way of life, marked by tranquility, natural beauty, and a deep connection to the environment.

Why Costa Rica is Right For You:

Budget and Cost of Living:

The cost of living in Costa Rica is generally lower than in many developed nations. Housing varies from $300 for a rural one-bedroom apartment to $2,000 for a spacious home in popular areas. Utilities add about $100-$200 per month. Daily expenses like dining out and groceries are quite affordable, with meals at local restaurants ranging between $5-$15



Costa Rica has a temperate climate in many areas, with no need for air conditioning or heating. It also offers locations with high average temperatures for those who enjoy heat. There are also many different climate zones in Costa Rica such as the tropical central valley and the more temperate Pacific coast. Emigrants can pick their preferred zone.



The average temperature typically ranges from the mid-70s to mid-80s Fahrenheit (mid-20s to low 30s Celsius) across different regions.

Dry Season (December to April): This period is generally sunny and dry, with little to no rain in most parts of the country. It’s the best time for outdoor activities like hiking and birdwatching, as trails are drier and weather is more predictable​

Rainy Season (May to November): During this time, frequent rain, especially in the afternoons and evenings, is common. The temperatures are still warm, but the humidity is higher. It’s a great time for wildlife watching and other outdoor activities, though be prepared for rain and potentially muddy conditions



Generally safe, but rising crime related to drug trafficking. Common sense safety measures are recommended



Costa Rica offers a vibrant and diverse nightlife scene that caters to various tastes and preferences. The country’s nightlife is concentrated in its cities and popular coastal towns, each offering a unique experience. For the best Nightlife experience see cities such as Jacó, San Jose, and Tamarindo


Healthcare Access:

Costa Rica Offers some of the best healthcare in Central America with both public and private options. Expats can register for public healthcare or opt for private insurance.



Spanish is the primary language, but English is widely spoken in tourist areas and among younger generations.


Political Stability:

Known for its stability and peacefulness, often referred to as the “Switzerland of Central America.


Beach Score:

Warm oceans and ideal conditions for swimming and surfing year-round.


Nature Score:

Renowned for its lush rainforests and rich biodiversity. Costa Rica is the place to be for nature lovers and enthusiasts alike.


Natural Disasters:

Costa Rica is prone to various natural disasters due to its geographical location. The country is affected by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and heavy rainfall leading to floods and landslides. However, the level of impact and frequency of these events vary across different regions of the country.


Economic/Job Opportunities:

Opportunities are growing, especially for highly skilled workers. However, permanent residency or a work permit is required for employment


Shopping and Grocery Access:

Shopping is accessible, with a mix of local markets and modern conveniences. Import taxes may elevate prices for certain goods


Cost of WiFi/Data Score:

Good infrastructure in urban centers with high-speed internet, but connectivity varies by region​.


Pharmacy Access:

In Costa Rica, pharmacies, known locally as “farmacias,” are widely accessible, especially in urban areas and towns frequented by tourists. They offer a range of over-the-counter medications and prescription drugs, with many open late or even 24/7. In addition, pharmacists in Costa Rica are typically well-trained and can provide expert advice on medications and minor health issues.


Cryptocurrency Acceptance

Cryptocurrency adoption in Costa Rica is gradually increasing, though it’s not yet widespread. The country has shown openness to digital currencies, with a growing number of businesses, especially in the tourism sector, starting to accept cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.


Bank Safety:

Costa Rica’s banking system is stable and reliable, with several national and international banks operating across the country. These banks offer a range of services, including savings and checking accounts, online banking, and money transfer services. The government and financial authorities regulate the banking sector, ensuring a high level of security and compliance with international standards.


Public Transportation and Infrastructure:

Affordable and reliable public transportation, with good infrastructure in urban areas.


Cultural Activities and Events:

Vibrant culture with a variety of events and activities, especially in major cities and expat communities


Social Integration & Community Support:

Strong expat communities and a welcoming local culture emphasizing the ‘Pura Vida’ lifestyle​.


Social Integration & Community Support:

Strong expat communities and a welcoming local culture emphasizing the ‘Pura Vida’ lifestyle​.


Taxation and Financial Incentives:

Offers incentives for retirees and expats, including no tax on foreign income.


Real Estate Affordability and Availability:

Costa Rica is filled with affordable housing options which is a boon to most Canadians. With the average rent below $1,000 per month and houses starting around $100,000, Costa Rica is a budget friendly place to live.


RFC’s Costa Rica Emigration Score:


Costa Rica stands out as an appealing destination for emigrants seeking a blend of natural beauty, stable governance, and a comfortable lifestyle. The country’s dedication to environmental sustainability and political stability enhances its attractiveness. While the cost of living varies, it generally remains affordable with diverse housing options. The healthcare system is noteworthy, offering quality care through both public and private facilities.

The country’s rich biodiversity, stunning beaches, and warm climate provide ample recreational opportunities, though it’s important to be mindful of natural disasters like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The cultural scene is vibrant, especially in cities like San José, with welcoming local communities embodying the ‘Pura Vida’ lifestyle. While Spanish dominates, English is widely spoken in tourist areas, facilitating easier adaptation for English-speaking expats.


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