Panama Emigration for Canadians


RFC Emigration Score: 79/100

Panama stands as a crossroads of the Americas, both geographically and culturally, offering a dynamic blend of modern cityscapes and untouched natural beauty. Its famous canal is a marvel of engineering and a symbol of the country’s strategic global importance. Panama City, the vibrant capital, offers a cosmopolitan lifestyle with its impressive skyline, bustling business district, and vibrant nightlife. The country is known for its diverse expat community, affordable healthcare, and a retiree-friendly visa policy, making it an appealing destination for those seeking a balanced lifestyle in Central America.

Why Panama is Right For You:

Budget and Cost of Living:

The cost of living in Panama can be lower than in many Western countries. The average monthly expenses for a single person are around $1035 USD without rent, and rent can range from $525 to $925 USD depending on the location. These figures suggest a comfortable yet affordable lifestyle for expats and cheap living in Canadian standards​.



Due to its tropical location, Panama experiences a warm climate year-round.



Panama has a tropical climate with a dry season (January to March) and a rainy season (April to December). The climate is generally hot and humid, with regional variations.



Panama is considered safer than many of its Central American neighbors, with a lower crime index rate than the United States and similar to Canada or the UK. However, like any country, it has areas that are safer than others.



Panama, especially Panama City, offers a vibrant nightlife scene with various entertainment options.


Healthcare Access:

Panama has a two-tiered healthcare system, public and private. The private system is preferred by many expats and offers high-quality care, albeit at a higher cost than the public system.



Spanish is the official language, but English is commonly spoken in business and by many in the expat community.


Political Stability:

Panama is a presidential republic with a democratic form of government. It has a stable political environment, which is attractive to expats.


Beach Score:

Panama boasts beautiful beaches, especially along its Caribbean and Pacific coastlines.


Nature Score:

The country is known for its rich biodiversity and natural beauty, including rainforests and mountains.


Natural Disasters:

Panama is outside the hurricane belt, but it can be affected by heavy rains and flooding.


Economic/Job Opportunities:

Panama has a growing economy, with opportunities in various sectors, including logistics, banking, and tourism.


Shopping and Grocery Access:

Panama offers a mix of local markets and modern supermarkets, providing a good range of shopping and grocery options.


Cost of WiFi/Data Score:

Internet and telecommunications services in Panama are generally reliable and reasonably priced.


Pharmacy Access:

Pharmacies are readily accessible in urban areas and popular expat destinations.


Cryptocurrency Acceptance

Panama, known for their business-friendly environments, may continue to adapt and possibly increase the acceptance of cryptocurrencies. However, as of now, it’s advisable for expats and travelers to rely primarily on traditional banking methods while keeping an eye on the evolving digital currency space in Panama.


Bank Safety:

The banking system in Panama is robust and includes several international and local banks.


Public Transportation and Infrastructure:

Public transportation is available, but it can be less reliable and extensive than in some developed countries.


Cultural Activities and Events:

Panama offers a rich cultural scene, with numerous festivals, museums, and historical sites.


Social Integration & Community Support:

Panama is known for its friendly locals and a significant expat community, facilitating social integration.


Taxation and Financial Incentives:

Panama has an attractive tax regime, particularly for retirees and foreign investors.


Real Estate Affordability and Availability:

Real estate prices in Panama vary based on location and property type. Foreigners can own properties, but there are restrictions near borders and coastlines.


RFC’s Panama Emigration Score:


Panama stands out as a highly appealing destination for expats, offering a unique combination of a stable political environment, a welcoming community, and a high quality of life. Its strategic location, combined with a business-friendly atmosphere, makes it attractive for both professionals and retirees. The country’s diverse landscapes, from bustling cities to tranquil beaches and lush rainforests, cater to a wide range of preferences and lifestyles. With benefits like the Pensionado program offering significant discounts and incentives for retirees, Panama demonstrates its commitment to creating a supportive environment for its expat community. The relatively low cost of living, coupled with a good healthcare system and a variety of lifestyle options, make Panama an enticing choice for those seeking a new home abroad.


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