Best Countries for Young Canadians to Escape To

In recent years, a growing number of young Canadians are starting to look beyond their beautiful, maple-leafed borders to search for new opportunities. But why is such a concerning trend increasing among our youth? In this article we will’s first delve into why this exodus is happening, which incredible destinations are attracting young Canadian talent, and where you can quickly integrate into your next home away from home.

Reasons Why Young Canadians Are Looking Abroad to Escape

In Canada, the promise of prosperity for the younger generation is crumbling. Many are looking for an escape route to avoid a slave-like life of live-to-work while the rich get richer. But it’s not all doom and gloom. If you’re brave, and look beyond Canada’s borders there is opportunity! In this article, we’re bringing you the best countries for young Canadians to escape to.

Also, if you’re looking to become a digital nomad while on your pathway to escape Canada, check out our Complete Digital Nomad Starter Kit here.

Not long ago, Canadian youth had it made as they aged into adulthood. They could get by and raise a family on one single income and still have some savings left over. Fast forward to 2024, and the game has changed. School, food, shelter, energy, housing all dramatically increased leaving many young and middle-aged Canadians to worry about their future as retirement has become out of reach for 40% of Canadians over 50.

Now, let’s look at what exactly is driving this quest to foreign lands and spurring a spike in reverse immigration amoungst the young-ins in Canada.

Economic Realities in Canada

There has been a economic reality check for young Canadians who’ve set out to live in Canada’s big cities (or in most cities and urban areas across the country). The cost of living in major Canadian cities like Toronto and Vancouver is skyrocketing and hasn’t slowed, squeezing pocketbooks and increasing the struggle of getting the upcoming generation’s foot into the property ladder. Furthermore, throw in some stagnant wage growth and this makes the dream of owning a home or living debt-free seem increasingly elusive.

Educational Dilemma

There’s a growing sentiment that higher education doesn’t guarantee a prosperous career, as it once might have. Unless you have the cash for Canada’s most reputable universities, you’re stuck with a tough choice; take the the devaluation of diplomas, young Canadians are seeking countries where their skills and qualifications are more valued.

Poor Work-Life Balance

The Canadian hustle can be draining. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, (CMHA) over 58% of Canadians reported feeling ‘overloaded’ across their daily duties at work, home, and with their family. Survey respondents reportert that finances were at the top of the list when it came to the top stressors in their life. That said, many young people have seen these stresses affect those around them and yearn for cultures that offer a more relaxed pace and value life outside the office.

Climate Concerns

The climate concerns in Canada are two-fold. Firstly there is the environmental aspect. Young Canadians are usually concerned about the environmental health of their country. However, with increasing amounts of wildfires, declining air quality, and the fear of global warming, some Canadians may opt for a more stable or greener country. The second and more concerning driver has more to do with the weather. Canada’s harsh winters can be a driving force for those craving year-round sunshine or milder climates.

The Best Countries for Young Canadians to Escape To:

With these factors in mind, where are young Canadians heading? Let’s embark on a journey through some less-talked-about, yet captivating, destinations.

1. Taiwan – The Underrated Asian Gem

Taiwan offers a unique blend of traditional and modern cultures, making it an exciting place for young expats. Its low cost of living, combined with a robust job market, especially in technology and teaching English, makes it an attractive destination. Taiwan is also renowned for its incredible street food, welcoming locals, and a health care system that’s among the best in the world.

Taipei, its capital, buzzes with neon-lit streets and towering skyscrapers, yet a short ride away, you’ll find serene temples and lush mountains.

The cost of living here allows you to enjoy city life without breaking the bank.

Picture yourself sipping bubble tea as you stroll through night markets, savoring dishes that are a culinary mosaic of the island’s diverse history.


English teaching jobs are plentiful, and the tech scene is booming, offering exciting career opportunities. Plus, Taiwan’s healthcare system is lauded for its efficiency and quality, ensuring peace of mind while your in your new home away from home.

2. Mexico – More Than Just a Vacation Destination

Mexico’s vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and affordable cost of living make it an appealing choice for young Canadians. Cities like Guadalajara and Mérida are becoming hubs for digital nomads and entrepreneurs. Additionally, Mexico’s proximity to Canada allows for easier visits back home.

Oaxaca Church in Rural Mexico

Mexico, a tapestry of vivid colors and spirited traditions, offers an experience that transcends the typical holiday getaway. In cities like Guadalajara, you’ll discover a blend of colonial architecture and digital modernity, attracting a wave of tech talent and entrepreneurs.

Mérida, with its Mayan heritage and vibrant art scene, offers a slower pace of life. You’ll be charmed by the friendly locals and the sense of community that pervades Mexican culture.

The affordability of living here means you can enjoy a rich quality of life, indulging in delicious cuisine and exploring diverse landscapes, from deserts to tropical beaches, all while staying connected to Canada with just a short flight.

3. Spain – European Charm without the Price Tag

Spain offers a blend of rich history, diverse landscapes, and a laid-back lifestyle. Cities like Valencia and Seville provide a lower cost of living compared to other European cities, without skimping on the cultural experience. Spain’s work visa programs for Canadians, including options for teaching English, make it a practical choice as well.

Imagine living in Spain, a country where each day is a celebration of life. In Valencia, you’ll bask in sunshine nearly year-round, while enjoying a cost of living that’s remarkably lower than other European hotspots. Seville, a city where flamenco echoes through ancient alleys, offers a warm, welcoming environment for expats.

Spain’s work visa programs for Canadians open doors to opportunities, whether it’s teaching English or diving into the country’s rich artistic heritage.

Madrid City is full of life

4. Portugal – The Atlantic’s Hidden Jewel

Portugal is one of many good countries for Young Canadians escaping Canada

Following in Spain’s footsteps, Portugal is emerging as a hotspot for young expats. With a mild climate, affordable living, and friendly locals, cities like Lisbon and Porto are increasingly attractive.

Portugal also offers a variety of residency options, including the Golden Visa program for investors and a visa for entrepreneurs and freelancers.

Portugal, with its sun-kissed beaches and rolling vineyards, is a paradise waiting to be discovered. Lisbon, a city that elegantly blends traditional charm with a buzzing startup scene, is becoming a magnet for digital nomads and young entrepreneurs.

Porto, with its cobbled streets and baroque architecture, offers a quieter but equally enriching experience. The cost of living in Portugal allows you to enjoy its world-renowned wines and sumptuous cuisine without financial strain.

5. Colombia – South America’s Rising Star

Once overlooked due to its turbulent past, Colombia is now a beacon for young adventurers. The country has undergone a remarkable transformation, offering bustling cities, diverse cultures, and an incredibly low cost of living. Cities like Medellín and Bogotá are becoming known for their innovation and entrepreneurial spirit.

Bogota, Columbia has a great transit system

Colombia’s transformation is one of the most remarkable stories of the 21st century.

In Medellín, once infamous, now stands as a city of innovation and culture, with public spaces and art that tell stories of resilience.

Bogotá, the high-altitude capital, mixes colonial charm with urban dynamism.

The cost of living here allows you to enjoy a lifestyle rich in culture and adventure. From the Amazon rainforest to the Caribbean coast, Colombia’s diverse geography is a playground for the adventurous spirit.

The warmth of its people and the rhythm of salsa will make your heart beat to a Colombian drum.

6. Greece – Where History Meets Modernity

Greece isn’t just a vacation spot; it’s a country ripe with opportunities for young professionals. With its recovering economy, Greece offers a lower cost of living, beautiful landscapes, and a burgeoning tech scene. Plus, initiatives like the digital nomad visa make it easier for young Canadians to work remotely while soaking up Mediterranean life.

Greece, a land where mythic history dances with contemporary life. The economic landscape is evolving, opening doors in various sectors, particularly in technology.

In Athens, ancient ruins stand proudly alongside modern cafes and street art, creating a cityscape that’s uniquely Greek.

The cost of living is lower than in many parts of Europe, allowing you to indulge in the joys of Greek life, from sipping coffee in quaint plazas to exploring idyllic islands. The digital nomad visa is a golden opportunity for young Canadians wanting to work in a setting that combines natural beauty with a rich historical tapestry.

7. Ireland – A Green Tech Hub

Ireland Emigration for Canadians

Ireland, with its dynamic tech scene, especially in Dublin, is drawing young professionals from across the globe. It offers a unique blend of traditional Irish culture and modern living, with opportunities especially ripe in technology and pharmaceutical sectors. Ireland’s friendly visa policies and the use of English as a primary language add to its appeal.

Ireland, a country where stories are woven into the fabric of everyday life, is not just for those tracing ancestry or seeking literary inspiration. Dublin is a tech haven, home to European headquarters of numerous tech giants, offering abundant opportunities in tech and pharmaceuticals.

But there’s more to Ireland than Dublin; smaller cities and rural landscapes offer a tranquil yet connected lifestyle. The cost of living can be higher, especially in Dublin, but the quality of life, ease of communication (thanks to English), and friendly visa policies make it a compelling choice. Ireland is a blend of old-world charm and modern-day innovation, where you can chase career goals by day and gather in cozy pubs by night.

Should You Stay or Go? – Take the Quiz And Find Out!

For young Canadians, venturing abroad is more than a fleeting adventure; it’s a strategic move towards a life that balances professional aspirations with personal well-being. The world is vast, and these countries represent just a slice of what’s out there. Before packing those bags, immerse yourself in research, connect with expat communities, and perhaps plan an exploratory visit. Each destination has its own set of charms and challenges, so it’s crucial to find one that aligns with your personal and professional goals.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. For many young Canadians, that step might just lead to an airport terminal, embarking on an adventure that redefines their place in the world. 🌍✈️🍁

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