Buenos Aires City birds-eye view

5 Countries with the Fastest Paths to Citizenship in 2024

Imagine the possibilities that come with holding passports from two different countries. This isn’t just about the cool factor it’s about opening doors to diverse cultures, new adventures, and favorable tax conditions. For Canadians and Americans feeling the pinch of declining living standards at home, dual citizenship offers an escape.

Dual citizenship increasingly appeals to those looking diversify their assets, avoid rising living costs, tap into new labour markets, or simply enjoy the enriching experience of a bi-cultural life. In this article, we’ll guide you through the countries offering the fastest and most cost-effective routes to getting your second passport in 2024.

Finding the fastest paths to dual citizenship is essential for global mobility

We’ll not only cover the practical ‘how’ but also dive into the ‘why’. Dual citizenship can drastically broaden your personal and financial horizons, offering benefits like visa-free travel and unique business opportunities which are currently becoming limited or unavailable in North America.

So, if you’re curious about which countries can expedite your path to becoming a global citizen and the exciting advantages that await. Let’s embark on this thrilling journey to unlocking global mobility and dual citizenship!

Finding the Fastest Paths to Dual Citizenship: How We Judged Our Citizenship Parameters

Finding the fastest paths to dual citizenship is complicated. Often many countries want you to fork over a significant investment—often in the hundreds of thousands to be granted citizenship in their country. Recognizing that not everyone has this kind of capital at their disposal, we took a different approach in our evaluation.

Rather than focusing solely on the high-ticket citizenship by investment (CBI) schemes, we aimed to identify destinations where getting a second citizenship is both achievable and reasonably priced for the average person. Our criteria were straightforward: affordability, speed of processing, and minimal financial burden. This way, we ensure that our recommendations are accessible, not just to the wealthy, but to anyone looking to expand their global footprint without breaking the bank.

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Our criteria for finding the fastest and cheapest countries to get citizenship in:
Naturalization over Citizenship By Investment: We are looking at the quickest way you can gain citizenship by naturalization over investment for the cost-savvy traveller.
Affordability: However, if there is a cheap citizenship by investment opportunity, we are capping the country’s investment threshold to not exceed $100,000 USD in the list.  This amount is lower than many other CBI programs, making these options more accessible to a broader range of individuals.
Efficiency in Processing Time: Time is a crucial factor. The countries on our list offer some of the quickest pathways to citizenship, minimizing the waiting period for applicants.
Low Language Restrictions: We understand that language barriers can be a significant hurdle. Therefore, our selected countries have minimal language requirements, making the process more straightforward for those who might not be fluent in the country’s primary language.
High Acceptance Rates: Lastly, we’ve considered the acceptance rate of these programs. The countries on our list are known for their higher approval rates for citizenship applications, which increases the likelihood of a successful outcome for applicants.

The 5 Fastest and Cheapest Countries to Get Citizenship In

Panama: Gateway to Citizenship in a Tropical Paradise

Thinking about a new passport? Panama might just be your ticket to a vibrant new life in the tropics. Let’s break down why Panama contains one of the fastest paths to dual citizenship in 2024.

Panama Coast

Swift and Accessible Path to Citizenship: Panama tops the list with a direct and efficient citizenship process. Typically, you can become a Panamanian citizen in just five years – just by living there. For those married to a Panamanian or with Spanish heritage, this period can be reduced to as little as three years. This timeline allows ample opportunity to immerse yourself in Panama’s rich culture and laid-back lifestyle. P.S, Costa Rica has a similar affordable pathway to citizenship as well. Check out these Costa Rican Expat Havens first.

Cost-Effective Living and Thriving Economy: Panama is not only beautiful but also budget-friendly. The country’s low cost of living means your savings will last longer, while a robust economy presents myriad opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors who are fed up with Canada’s economy. Whether you’re planning to start a business or simply enjoy the country’s vibrant life, Panama provides an economically viable setting.

Straightforward Legal Pathways: Starting your journey to citizenship begins with securing a temporary resident visa. After two years, you can upgrade to permanent residency and, following three more years, you are eligible to apply for citizenship. Panama streamlines the transition from visitor to citizen, making it an appealing choice for many.

Diverse Routes to Citizenship: Panama’s flexible immigration policies include several pathways to citizenship. Investors can qualify by channeling funds into local businesses or real estate, typically ranging from $100,000 to $200,000. Additionally, citizens of “Friendly Nations” can obtain residency by securing employment in Panama and depositing $5,000 in a local bank, streamlining their path to citizenship.

List of Friendly Nations:

  • Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay.

In Panama, gaining citizenship is more than a legal process—it’s an invitation to a life full of adventure and beauty.

Uruguay: Your South American Haven for Easy Citizenship

Looking for a serene and tax-friendly spot in the Americas? Uruguay might just be your golden ticket. Known as the “Switzerland of South America,” Uruguay is not just safe and calm, it’s also one of the easiest places for getting legal citizenship. Here’s why Uruguay is making waves as a top choice for a second residency:

Uruguay Harbor Anchors

Effortless Path to Citizenship: Whether you’re single or married, Uruguay’s citizenship process is as welcoming as its culture. For married individuals, the residency requirement is only three years, while singles can become citizens after five years. This transparent process is designed to be as clear and inviting as the Uruguayan sky.

Fiscal Paradise with Idyllic Living: Beyond its aesthetic appeal, Uruguay serves as a financial haven. With enticing tax breaks, exemptions, and even tax-free holidays, Uruguay positions itself as a place where your finances can flourish under the sun. Here, you can enjoy both the scenic beauty and economic benefits.

Seamless Transition: The journey to obtaining Uruguayan citizenship mirrors the country’s relaxed nature. Couples can secure their new status in just three years, while singles require five. The residency initially demands more frequent stays, but later allows for significant flexibility to manage your global commitments alongside your life in Uruguay.

Diverse Residency Options: Uruguay’s doors are open to everyone, with various residency routes that cater to different needs. A stable monthly income of $1,500 suffices for individuals, while families might need around $3,000. The introduction of the 2020 Tax Resident Act provides yet another pathway for those attracted by Uruguay’s fiscal advantages and stunning locales.

Global Mobility with a Uruguayan Passport: Holding a Uruguayan passport unlocks extensive travel freedoms. Enjoy visa-free access to the Schengen Area and all of South America, alongside favorable visa conditions for other international destinations. This passport truly offers a global gateway, enhancing your travel flexibility and international business opportunities.

Key Details at a Glance:

  • Time to Citizenship: 3 years for married couples, 5 years for singles.
  • Physical Presence Requirements: About 9-10 months in the first year, then a minimum of 6 months annually.
  • Income Requirements: $1,500 per month for individuals; families require a combined $3,000.
  • Tax Incentives: Extensive breaks and exemptions, including tax-free holidays.
  • Investment Options: Engage in local real estate or business ventures with a requirement to spend at least 60 days per year in the country.
  • Passport Benefits: Comprehensive visa-free travel and high global mobility.

Uruguay not only offers a path to citizenship but an invitation to a life where cultural richness and economic opportunity go hand in hand. If you’re seeking a serene and secure environment with substantial global access, Uruguay might just be your perfect match.

Argentina – A Upcoming South American Superpower

A gateway to a life full of cultural richness and global mobility. With its swift naturalization process and recognition of dual citizenship, Argentina stands out as an ideal choice for those seeking a new home and a powerful passport.

Buenos Aires City birds-eye view

Argentina offers one of the fastest routes to citizenship through naturalization, requiring just two years of residency. It’s a great option for those who want to immerse themselves in its rich culture, diverse landscapes and cheap cost of living. The process is quite straightforward: be over eighteen, reside in Argentina for two continuous years, and express your intent to become a citizen before a federal judge. Argentina also allows citizenship by descent.

Fast Track to Citizenship: Argentina offers one of the quickest naturalization processes worldwide, requiring just two years of residency. This accelerated path is perfect for those eager to dive into the vibrant culture and stunning landscapes of Argentina. The procedure is refreshingly straightforward: reside in the country for two continuous years, then formally declare your intent to become a citizen before a federal judge.

Affordable, Culturally Enriched Living: Life in Argentina transcends the practical benefits of fast-track citizenship. It’s a full immersion into a culture known for its world-class cuisine, the passionate rhythms of tango, and an array of landscapes from the snowy peaks of Patagonia to the rolling Pampas. Moreover, the cost of living is remarkably low, making it possible to enjoy a rich, fulfilling lifestyle without a hefty price tag.

Simplified Citizenship Process: Starting your Argentine journey is as simple as obtaining either temporary or permanent residency. After two years of living the Argentine way—whether it’s in bustling Buenos Aires or tranquil Mendoza—you need only express your desire for citizenship in front of a federal judge.

Diverse Pathways to Citizenship: Argentina is welcoming to those with ancestral connections to the country, offering citizenship by descent in addition to naturalization. Whether you have familial ties to Argentina or are looking to build new ones, the country is ready to welcome you with open arms.

Passport Perks: Holding an Argentine passport opens up a world of travel opportunities, providing visa-free access to numerous countries. With this passport, global exploration is at your fingertips, from Europe’s historic cities to the idyllic beaches of Southeast Asia.

Key Requirements at a Glance:

  • Naturalization Process: Only two years of residency required.
  • Age Requirement: Must be over 18 years old.
  • Residency Requirement: Continuous residence as a temporary or permanent resident.
  • Application Process: Declaration of intent before a federal judge.
  • No Citizenship by Investment: Argentina offers citizenship through naturalization, descent, or by birthright.
  • Dual Citizenship: Fully recognized, allowing you to maintain dual national ties.
  • Passport Strength: Facilitates visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to many countries globally.

Argentina’s approach to citizenship is not just about the ease of obtaining a passport but embracing a lifestyle that’s as dynamic and diverse as the country itself. If you’re drawn to the idea of becoming a global citizen with a Latin American flair, Argentina could be your ideal destination.

Poland – An Eastern European Safe Haven

Polish citizenship is more than a document; it’s an entry into a life steeped in history and vibrant culture. 

Krakow City Streets

Poland, a nation rich with history and brimming with cultural vibrancy, offers various paths to citizenship, each interwoven with the country’s storied past and dynamic present. If you’re a young Canadian, Poland is one of the best countries for you outside of Canada. Whether through marriage, descent, investment, or naturalization, these routes invite individuals to become part of Poland’s enduring legacy.

Romantic Route to Citizenship: Love transcends boundaries, and in Poland, it can pave the way to citizenship. Marry a Polish citizen and after spending two years living in Poland and three years in matrimony, you can apply for citizenship. This path not only unites hearts but also deepens your connection to the nation’s cultural tapestry.

Naturalization – A Commitment to Polish Life: Settling in Poland means more than just moving to a new country—it’s a commitment to adopting the Polish way of life. Live in Poland for three continuous years with a stable income, and at 18 years or older, you can make your stay permanent. This path offers a profound integration into the heart of Europe.

Reclaiming Roots – Citizenship by Descent: If your family history echoes with Polish heritage, you might already have a claim to citizenship. Those with ancestors born and residing in Poland post-1920 can reclaim their heritage, connecting with generations of Polish history.

Entrepreneurial Spirit – Citizenship by Investment: Poland appreciates and rewards entrepreneurial initiatives. Start a business and generate a minimum annual income of €15,000. After three years with a temporary permit and then achieving permanent residency, you can take the final step towards citizenship. This path celebrates your contribution to Poland’s economy and innovation.

Passing the Torch – Citizenship for Minors: For children with Polish roots, citizenship is seamlessly integrated into their birthright. If one or both parents are of Polish origin, the connection to this profound heritage is passed on automatically, maintaining the familial and cultural bond.

Summary of Citizenship Routes:

  • By Marriage: Reside in Poland for two years while married to a Polish citizen for three years.
  • Naturalization: Requires three years of continuous residence, a stable income, and being over 18 years old.
  • By Descent: Eligibility through Polish ancestors born and residing in the country post-1920.
  • By Investment: Initiate a business, prove a steady business income, and fulfill residency requirements over six years.
  • For Minors: Automatic citizenship if one or both parents are of Polish origin.

Poland stands as a welcoming land for those aspiring to become part of a nation that values love, heritage, entrepreneurial spirit, and a deep commitment to cultural and historical preservation. Each citizenship path offers a unique way to weave your personal story into the broader narrative of Polish life.

St. Lucia – The Cheapest Citizenship By Investment Option

An attractive option for those seeking dual citizenship through economic contributions.

St. Lucia offers great tax perks

Effortless Citizenship Journey: St. Lucia’s Welcoming Shores

Since its inception in 2015, St. Lucia’s Citizenship by Investment Program has become synonymous with simplicity and speed. Much like the gentle breeze on its idyllic beaches, the process of acquiring dual citizenship in St. Lucia is straightforward and rapid making it another country with the fastest paths to dual citizenship. If you’re looking to move with your family, the program’s inclusivity and various investment options make it very appealing.

Tax and Travel Perks: A Fiscal Haven in Paradise

St. Lucia is more than just a picturesque destination; it’s also a fiscal sanctuary. With no capital gains tax, no inheritance tax, and no tax on worldwide income, it offers significant financial advantages. Holding a St. Lucian passport opens doors globally, providing visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to over 140 countries, including the UK and Schengen Area. This passport not only facilitates easy travel but also allows you to enjoy substantial tax benefits back home.

Your Pathway to Citizenship: Clear and Serene as the Caribbean Sea

Embark on your St. Lucian citizenship journey with a choice of investment routes: from purchasing luxurious real estate to investing in significant enterprise projects, contributing to the National Economic Fund, or securing government bonds. The process is designed for efficiency, with most applications reaching approval within just four months.

Family Inclusion: Bringing Your Loved Ones Together

Understanding the importance of family, St. Lucia allows applicants to include their spouse, dependent children, and even dependent parents or grandparents in their citizenship applications. This provision ensures that families can unite and enjoy the benefits of St. Lucian citizenship together.

Streamlined Process and Comprehensive Benefits:

  • Application Efficiency: Known for its rapid processing, the program frequently sees applications approved within a four-month time frame.
  • Due Diligence: Rigorous checks ensure the integrity and security of the citizenship process, maintaining its prestigious reputation.
  • Family Inclusion: The program extends eligibility to immediate family members, reinforcing its family-friendly ethos.
  • Dual Citizenship: St. Lucia recognizes dual citizenship, allowing you to retain your original nationality while enjoying the benefits of St. Lucian citizenship.
  • Visa-Free Travel: With a St. Lucian passport, enjoy seamless access to over 140 destinations worldwide, enhancing your global mobility.
  • Favorable Tax Regime: Benefit from no capital gains, inheritance, or worldwide income tax, optimizing your financial planning.


St. Lucia’s Citizenship by Investment Program stands out among Caribbean citizenship initiatives. It offers a diverse range of investment options, quick processing times, and the inclusion of family members. These features, coupled with the advantages of visa-free travel and an attractive tax regime, make it a top choice for international investors and those seeking enhanced global mobility.

How To Start Getting Your 2nd Passport Fast

In a globalized world, having an extra citizenship stands as a gateway to global exploration, self-discovery, and asset protection for you and your family. But where should you start? With so many questions revolving around exiting your country, it’s critical to have a game plan to organize your extended ‘vacation’.

Don’t worry we’ve mapped it out for you:

How to Leave Canada the complete guide

Get The Canadian Exit Guide Today

Learn how to leave Canada and without losing your citizenship or benefits.

SIf you’re ready to heed the call of dual citizenship and embark on the journey of a lifetime, our Canadian Exit Guide has the insights you need to safeguard your financial future and global mobility.


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