Reclaiming Safety: 5 Safe Countries for Canadians to Live

It’s a big world out there, and more and more Canadians are packing their bags to explore it.

But it’s not just about adventure; it’s about finding safety when it’s danger in Canada is increasing rapidly

Safe Countries for Canadians are out there

Leaving one’s home country isn’t an easy choice. It’s a decision often made with family and security in mind. And lately, we’re seeing a trend: an increasing number of Canadians are opting to relocate to countries known for their lower crime rates.

Due to Canada being a generally safe country, it was hard to compile a list of countries which were even safer.

But we did it for you.

In this article, we’ve dived deep into the research and are bringing your 5 safe countries for Canadians to move to.

So, if you’re curious about where Canadians are finding their new, secure lives away from the North and why, and even which country you can enter for a flight to safety, you’re in the right place. 

Now let’s unpack these 5 safe countries for Canadians together.

Canadian’s Motivations for Finding Safe Havens

Canadians are Leaving Canada at a record pace

Canadians are renowned for living in some of the world’s safest cities, where a high standard of safety and quality of life is the norm.

This comfort with high safety standards plays a big role in why many are now looking abroad for similar, if not better, living conditions. The motivations behind this trend are multifaceted and deeply personal:

Maintaining High Safety Standards

Canadians are accustomed to a certain level of safety in their daily lives. However, the safety standard in Canada is declining. Whether it’s the rise in violent crime in Canadian cities, or the explosion of car thefts along the 401 corridor in Ontario, many Canadians are seeing that moving to a country without these issues will go a long way for them, their family and pocket book.

Rising Crime Rates in Canada:

While Canada is generally safe, certain areas have seen a rise in crime rates. This uptick has prompted some Canadians, especially those with young families, to consider relocation as a proactive step towards ensuring their safety and peace of mind.

A Safer Environment for Families and a Better Start for Kids:

For those with young children, the drive to move is even stronger. This is due to rise of Neo-feudalism and equity gap in Canada.

Canadian’s are starting to see the Canada that will remain for their kids will be less equitable, safe, and fair than the one they got to experience. For parents want to provide their children with the best possible start in life, they are seeking out countries where safety, education, and quality of life are top priorities.

Mental Wellbeing

A critical yet often overlooked aspect of why Canadians are seeking safer countries is mental wellbeing. Living in an environment with high stress levels, especially regarding safety and security, can significantly impact one’s mental health.

he constant worry about personal and family safety can lead to increased anxiety and depression.

This state of heightened stress can disrupt a person’s sense of security and stability, affecting their overall mental health and quality of life. Thus, the decision to move abroad is not just about physical safety but also about nurturing mental wellbeing by creating a more peaceful and secure everyday environment.

The quest for safety outside of Canada is about preserving a cherished way of life that was once the norm in the Great White North.

It’s about finding a new home that offers the same sense of security and community that Canadians value so highly. This search for safety is not just about avoiding risks; it’s about seeking out the best possible future for themselves and their families.

5 Safe Countries for Canadians to Move to:

Now, it’s time to tell you the 5 safe countries for Canadians that are seeing an influx of emigration.

Please note, in this list the destinations with the highest safety ratings were chosen regardless of cost of living.

A digital Nomad infront of a parked thai boat


A favorite for Canadian retirees, Thailand offers a warm climate, affordable living, and a welcoming culture. The cost of living is much lower than in Canada, healthcare is of high quality and accessible, and English is commonly spoken in major cities and tourist areas. While there are some concerns related to traffic and political stability, the overall safety for expats is good​ road

Thailand is renowned for its relatively low crime rates, particularly when it comes to serious crimes, which makes it a secure choice for individuals and families.
The country’s stable political environment further contributes to a feeling of safety for expatriates.
Thailand’s healthcare system is highly regarded, known for its excellent standards and efficient services. There is a good balance of public and private healthcare facilities, offering comprehensive care options.
– Thailand has a vibrant expatriate community, especially in popular areas like Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and Phuket, which facilitates smoother integration for foreigners.
English is commonly spoken in these expat areas as well as in tourist-centric locations, easing daily interactions and adaptation for English-speaking expats.
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Spain is a great choice for Canadians looking for a European destination. Known for its warm climate, rich culture, and lower cost of living compared to Canada, Spain offers a comfortable lifestyle for expats. The country is known for its safety, with a relatively low crime rate and political stability. Additionally, Spain’s healthcare system is well-regarded, and there are many English-speaking communities, making it easier for Canadian expats to adapt.

Spain stands out as an ideal destination for Canadians seeking a European lifestyle combined with the comforts of home. Known for its warm, Mediterranean climate, Spain offers an inviting atmosphere year-round, perfect for those looking to escape the harsh Canadian winters while upkeeping a strong standard of safety.

– Spain is recognized for its low crime rates, especially in terms of major crimes, making it a safe choice for individuals and families alike.
The country’s political stability further adds to the sense of security for expatriates.
The Spanish healthcare system is one of the best in Europe, known for its high standards and efficient services. Both public and private healthcare options are available, providing comprehensive coverage.
– With numerous expat communities, particularly in coastal areas and major cities like Madrid, Valencia, and Seville, integration can be smoother for Canadians.
– English is widely spoken in these expat hubs, and in tourist-heavy areas, making daily interactions and adaptation easier for English-speaking newcomers.
– Learning Spanish, however, can enrich the living experience and help in deeper assimilation into the local culture.


An emerging favorite, Vietnam appeals to a wide range of expats with its low cost of living, nutritious cuisine, and improving medical facilities. The climate varies by region, offering both tropical and cooler weather options. Safety is a strong point for Vietnam, with low crime rates and a welcoming attitude towards foreigners. However, expats should be aware that Vietnam does not offer retirement visas, although there are other long-term stay options available​.

– Vietnam is generally considered safe, with notably low crime rates, especially against expatriates.
Petty crimes like pickpocketing or bag snatching may occur in urban areas, so vigilance is advised.
Traffic safety is a significant concern due to the chaotic road conditions prevalent in cities, which requires caution, especially for those unfamiliar with local driving habits.
Vietnam’s healthcare system is developing, with major cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City offering better medical facilities.
Public healthcare is available, but expatriates often prefer cheap private healthcare for its higher standards and English-speaking staff.
Access to healthcare in rural areas can be limited, so it’s advisable for expatriates to have health insurance that covers medical evacuation.
– Vietnam has an emerging expatriate community, particularly in major cities and tourist destinations like Da Nang, Hanoi, and Ho Chi Minh City.
While English is increasingly spoken, especially among the younger population and in tourist areas, learning Vietnamese can greatly enhance daily life and integration.
Denmark Emigration


Denmark offers a unique blend of safety, quality of life, and a robust social welfare system. Known for its high standards of living, Denmark is also one of the happiest countries in the world. The healthcare system is of high quality, and the country is known for its stability, strong community values, and low crime rates. While the cost of living can be higher compared to other countries, Denmark’s focus on work-life balance and social equality makes it an attractive destination for Canadian expats.

– Denmark is one of the safest countries, with very low crime rates offering a secure environment for families and individuals.
Denmark provides high-quality healthcare services. The public healthcare system is efficient and accessible to all residents, including expatriates.
Danes are known for their happiness and quality of life. While initially reserved, they are welcoming, and there are various expat communities and networks to aid in social integration.
Ireland Emigration for Canadians


Ireland presents the perfect combination of safety, high quality of life, and similar society to Canada. Recognized for its exceptional living standards, Ireland is a country where contentment and well-being are integral to its culture. The healthcare system in Ireland is commendable, offering quality services to its residents. The nation is celebrated for its stable environment, deep-rooted community values, and notably low crime rates. Although the cost of living in Ireland might be higher relative to some other countries, the emphasis on work-life balance and social equality makes it a highly appealing destination for Canadian expats. Additionally, Ireland’s rich cultural heritage and friendly locals add it as an ideal place for those seeking a blend of modern amenities and traditional charm.

Ireland is known for its safety, boasting low crime rates and providing a secure environment for both families and individuals.
Ireland offers quality healthcare services, with a public healthcare system that is well-regarded for its efficiency and accessibility, benefiting residents and expatriates alike.
The Irish are famed for their friendliness and strong sense of community. Although they can be initially reserved, they are generally very welcoming.
Various expatriate communities and networks are present, particularly in cities like Dublin and Cork, which facilitate easier social integration for newcomers.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica gives retirees the balance of weather, safety and low cost of living that they deserve. Oh, and you can even drink the tap water here. Also, Costa Rica is recognized for its pure living standards and being in one of the world’s Blue Zones where people often live over 100 years old. Furthermore the healthcare system in Costa Rica is high quality, cheap and quick. The nation is also known for its environmental values reasonable low crime rates. Although the cost of living in Costa Rica is lower than most countries it does come with some natural disaster risk one should consider. Either way it’s friendly locals and large expat community brand Costa Rica as an amazing modern retirement destinations.

Costa Rica is as safe as any large American city. If you’re not looking for trouble and keep your head on the swivel you will be fine.
Costa Rica offers universal healthcare services with a public and private healthcare system that is well-funded and highly accessible for expats.
The Costa Ricans are known for their happiness and laid back attitude. They are generally very welcoming to expats and tourists. There are many expat enclaves around San Jose and beach side towns like Jaco.

Conclusion – Safe-havens Outside of Canada

As we wrap up this journey exploring why Canadians are setting their sights on safer shores, it’s clear that the move is about more than just finding a new place to call home. It’s a quest for peace of mind, a desire for a secure environment for families, and a pursuit of better mental wellbeing. From the sun-kissed beaches of Thailand to the historic streets of Spain, the vibrant communities of Vietnam, the classical charms of Ireland, and the happy vibes of Denmark, each destination offers a unique blend of safety, culture, and comfort.

These countries aren’t just pinpoints on a map; they’re new chapters in life where the worries of safety fade into the background, replaced by new adventures, friendships, and experiences. So, for those Canadians looking to broaden their horizons while keeping safety at the forefront, the world is indeed full of welcoming arms.

And, if you’re looking for new beginnings in lands outside of Canada that match your style, check out our Leaving Canada Quiz below!

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