Job markets better than Canada are out there

6 Better Job Markets Than Canada to Apply In

The Canadian job market is currently experiencing a significant imbalance, with an oversupply of workers relative to available job openings. This glut of candidates has intensified competition, making it increasingly challenging for many Canadians to secure positions that offer both stability and growth potential.

Canada's Culture Crisis

Faced with these challenges, a growing number of Canadians are contemplating a bold move: reverse immigration. This isn’t about seeking greener pastures within the country instead, it’s about finding better job markets than Canada. If you find yourself considering this path, you’re not alone. To assist you in making an informed decision, we’ve curated a list of six countries boasting more vibrant job markets than Canada, aiming to guide you toward more prosperous and fulfilling professional landscapes.

The Current Canadian Job Market Overview

Recent reports from Statistics Canada highlight a concerning trend in the Canadian economy: a net loss of 30,600 jobs over the last two consecutive months. Adding fuel to the fire the labor participation rate has decreased to 65.3%, leaving around one million Canadians without jobs. These figures, however, do not fully capture the scope of unemployment as they exclude those on Employment Insurance (EI) or those who have stopped looking for work altogether, which can obscure the real impact.

However, the cracks are starting to show. As EI runs out and more people can’t find jobs, the latest unemployment rate in Canada has creeped up to 6.10%. These cracks can also be seen on various social platforms like r/torontojobs:

Impact on Workers: The current job market dynamics, characterized by an increasing supply of labor and a shrinking number of available positions, have led to reduced wages and benefits for Canadian workers. Many find themselves earning less than the living wage, with limited access to employer-sponsored benefits or pensions. The heightened competition for fewer jobs also contributes to increased stress levels among employees.

Impact on Employers: For employers, particularly small businesses, the challenges are manifold. The oversupply in the job market has led to higher turnover rates, decreased productivity, and lower profitability. Additionally, businesses face significant hurdles in recruiting and retaining skilled workers, which stymies growth and threatens their long-term sustainability.

Societal Impact: From a broader perspective, an oversupplied job market dampens economic growth, reduces tax revenues, and constrains social spending. Which is exactly what we’re going through in Canada. This can lead to a decline in the overall quality of life, affecting community well-being and social cohesion. The ripple effects of these challenges are often visible in public discourse, including social media, where I’m sure your hearing frustrations about Canadian policies and survival in Canada.

But for those hungry for professional reinvention and an urge to leave Canada’s live-to-work lifestyle, opportunity still knocks – but you’ll have to move abroad to find it.

The 6 Countries with Better Job Markets Than Canada

According to a GDP growth rates of the countries in 2024, based on the OECD Economic Outlook February 2024 report, the top countries with promising job markets are:

CountryGDP Growth Rate (%)
Saudi Arabia2.8

These countries have emerged as prime destinations for job seekers or entrepreneurs seeking better economic prospects than what Canada currently offers. In selecting and ranking the top six countries with favorable job markets, various criteria were considered, including job availability, quality, and security.

6. Argentina – Bouncing Back From Crisis

Argentina offers Canadians seeking new opportunities abroad a combination of promising career prospects and low cost quality living. With costs around 30-50% lower than North America, living in Argentina allows savings to go much further.

Crowds outside Argentina Mark

While Argentina is going through a few struggles, housing, transportation, dining out – daily expenses don’t drain paychecks like back home. This affordability incentive boosts Argentina up candidate lists.

Some of the main industries and sectors that are hiring or growing in Argentina are:

Agriculture: The Pampas, a grassy and fertile lowland in the Argentine plateau is one of the most productive farming areas in the world. If you’ve got a green thumb this place is for you. Furthermore, As crop and livestock production grows, farm technology and processing facilities generate roles from agronomy to quality assurance.

  • Tourism: Major attractions yearly funnel billions into lodging, transportation, activities and attractions requiring thousands of hospitable staff.
  • Tech: Buenos Aires’ rapidly expanding tech sector entails programming, UI/UX design, and business analysis positions supporting clients worldwide remotely from Argentina.
  • Services: Strong English skills open Argentina’s financial services industry – from accounting to call centers – to Canadians seeking offshore advisory chances.

Lower competition for opportunities versus Canada equips expatriate professionals advantages. Especially for younger Canadians, Argentina fast-tracks upward mobility through challenging jobs building skill-sets prized back home later.

Beyond affordable daily living, Argentina treats residents to European culture, Latin passion and spectacular natural landscapes. The relaxed lifestyle complements career accomplishments abroad better than frenetic Canadian metropolitan life sometimes permits. Whether your an entrepreneur, a solo traveler, or a family man, Argentina offers affordable roles and rewards difficult to achieve in Canada’s constricted job market nowadays.

5). Saudi Arabia – An Employment Oasis in the Desert

As the economic heartbeat of the Middle East, Saudi Arabia offers a dynamic and evolving job market that merits serious consideration for those looking to move abroad. Under the visionary leadership encapsulated in Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman’s “Vision 2030,” the Kingdom is undergoing a transformative shift towards diversifying its economy beyond oil. This ambitious plan is set to bolster various sectors including tourism, fintech, and renewable energy with the injection of $800 billion into megaprojects over the next decade.

Emerging Industries:

  • Construction: The NEOM project, envisioned as a futuristic city along with developments like Red Sea resorts and enhanced maritime infrastructure, promises extensive opportunities for construction professionals extending through 2030.
  • Services: With significant investments in quality-of-life improvements, there’s an expanding demand for professionals in healthcare, education, and leisure sectors.
  • Energy: While oil and gas remain predominant, the push towards sustainability has amplified roles in companies like ACWA Power, focusing on renewable energy sources and grid transformation projects.
Saudi Arabia has some of the safest cities in the world
  • Project Management: Individuals with expertise in managing large-scale projects can find lucrative six-figure salaries, particularly those who lead the coordination of the ongoing megaprojects.
  • Education and Consulting: There is a growing market for English consultants, whether it’s tutoring Saudis online or providing advisory services in international schools.

Compensation and Benefits: Wages in Saudi Arabia are competitive, often surpassing those in neighboring Gulf countries and even outstripping many regions in Canada. The lack of personal income tax significantly increases the take-home pay, making financial prospects even more attractive.

Living in Saudi Arabia: The country offers a unique lifestyle that blends modernity with rich historical traditions. For adventurous professionals, Saudi Arabia is not just a place to work—it’s a destination to experience a unique blend of ancient heritage with the new frontiers of development.

4) Philippines – The Dynamic and Growing Island Nation

The Philippines has quickly emerged as the fourth best job market outside Canada. With a workforce that is both proficient in English and highly skilled, the Philippines has become a magnet for service-oriented industries, positioning itself as a leading destination for global business services. This attractiveness is especially appealing to expatriates, including a significant number of Canadians, who find the job opportunities and safety in the Philippines more lucrative and plentiful compared to those available back home.

The Philippine job market continues to expand across many sectors, attracting expatriates with its vibrant economy and the promise of a more balanced lifestyle than Canada’s. Here’s a closer look at some of the main industries and sectors that are actively hiring or experiencing growth:

Philippines Emigration for Canadians

Customer Service Paradigm: Call centers are a cornerstone of the Philippine economy, consistently seeking customer service representatives. These roles span from traditional phone support to more modern digital communication channels, catering to a global clientele.

Financial Services Sector: There’s a noticeable expansion in accounting and financial services, increasing demand for payroll administrators, bookkeepers, and financial analysts. This growth not only diversifies the BPO industry but also strengthens the country’s position in global finance operations.

Manufacturing: The manufacturing sector remains a robust part of the Philippine economy, especially in electronics. Jobs in assembly lines and quality control are prevalent, reflecting the country’s integral role in the global electronics supply chain.

Tourism: Known for its stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage, the Philippines has a thriving tourism and hospitality industry. There’s a continuous need for skilled professionals in hotels, resorts, and tourist services, driven by a year-round influx of international visitors.

Living and Working in the Philippines: Urban areas in the Philippines offer an affordable cost of living, allowing expatriates to enjoy a quality lifestyle without the high expenses associated with other global cities. The work culture in the Philippines promotes a healthy work-life balance, which is further supported by the widespread use of English, facilitating both social and professional integration for expatriates.

Bottom Line: The Philippines not only offers excellent career opportunities across multiple sectors but also provides a culturally rich and economically viable environment for expatriates. This combination makes it an attractive destination for those looking to enhance their professional and personal lives abroad.

3). Vietnam – An Affordable Manufacturing Powerhouse

Vietnam secures the third spot on our list, because of its rapidly growing job market that’s ideal for those seeking a balance between professional opportunities and quality of life. According to the OECD Economic Outlook report from May 2024, Vietnam’s economic landscape looks promising, with a projected growth rate of 6.5% in 2024. Additionally, the unemployment rate is expected to decrease to 2.2% from 2.6% in 2023, signaling a thriving job environment unseen in Canada.

As a leading destination for foreign investment and trade within the region, Vietnam offers a wealth of job opportunities for adaptable Canadians looking to make their mark in Asia. The country’s economic vitality is fueled by several factors:

Vietnam Streets
  • Industrial Sector: Vietnam’s industrial scene is bustling with activity, particularly in factories that are in constant need of skilled welders, engineers, and machinists. This sector’s growth is propelled by the country’s commitment to manufacturing excellence and innovation.
  • Quality Control: With a focus on maintaining high standards to satisfy global customers, quality control roles such as auditors and supervisors are in high demand. These positions are crucial for ensuring that products meet international quality benchmarks.
  • Logistics and Supply Chain: The geographical proximity to vast consumer markets like ASEAN and China amplifies the need for efficient logistics managers. These professionals are essential for managing the flow of goods, particularly in exports sectors like electronics and wood products, ensuring streamlined inventory distribution and operational efficiency.
  • Digital Economy: Centered around Hanoi’s corporate headquarters, the digital domain in Vietnam thrives with burgeoning opportunities in e-commerce and data analytics. The rapid digitization of business processes is creating numerous roles for tech-savvy professionals looking to influence the digital landscape.

Beyond the professional landscape, Vietnam offers an enticing package of benefits for expatriates. The cost of living is relatively low, allowing for a comfortable lifestyle that includes enjoying the local cuisine, which is both delicious and affordable. Additionally, the widespread use of English eases the transition for international professionals emigrating overseas.

Bottom Line: As Asian economies continue to grow, Vietnam distinguishes itself with a profusion of career prospects across various sectors. For ambitious professionals from Canada, Vietnam not only promises substantial career opportunities but also offers a chance to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Southeast Asia. This dynamic environment, coupled with competitive pay and substantial perks, makes Vietnam an ideal destination for those looking to make a significant impact through their work.

2). Mexico – A Canadian Favorite with a Growing Economy

Mexico stands out as an attractive destination for Canadians seeking not only career growth but also an enhanced lifestyle. With its affordable property prices, efficient transportation systems, and a top quality healthcare, all set against the backdrop of year-round pleasant weather along its Pacific and Gulf coastlines, Mexico offers a compelling alternative to Canada.

Some of the main industries and sectors that are hiring or growing in the Mexico are:

Automotive Sector: Mexico’s position as a leader in the automotive industry is well-established. The country continues to lead offshoring trends, with significant expansions in manufacturing capacities along the US-Mexico border. This growth creates a demand for skilled tradespeople, including electricians, welders, and mechanics, offering numerous opportunities for those with the right expertise.

Medical Equipment and Technology: Another exploding sector is medical equipment and technology. Mexico has become a hub for the distribution, design, and after-sales services of medical technologies. There are abundant job opportunities in customer support, logistics, and quality assurance roles, including responsibilities like testing new products destined for global markets.

Oaxaca Church in Rural Mexico

Living in Mexico: Choosing to live and work in Mexico means embracing a lifestyle that balances work with leisure and cultural exploration. The country’s vibrant communities, combined with a lower cost of living compared to many parts of Canada, make it an ideal location for expatriates looking to enrich their personal and professional lives.

Whether you’re drawn to the bustling streets of Mexico City or the scenic beaches of the Yucatan, Mexico provides a dynamic backdrop for Canadians looking to make a meaningful change in both their careers and lifestyles.

1). Indonesia – The Land of Islands (and online startups)

Indonesia, with its sustained GDP growth exceeding 5% annually, is rapidly becoming a top global destination for career opportunities. Its strategic position in Southeast Asia makes it a magnet for skilled talents from around the world, including Canadians in search of more favorable career (and weather) conditions.

Indonesia's Growth has been spectacular and enticed many foreigners.

Some of the main industries and sectors that are welcoming new talents in Indonesia include:

Renewable Energy: Committed to sustainability, Indonesia is investing heavily in renewable resources like solar, wind, and hydro power. This green initiative is generating numerous opportunities for engineers, technicians, and project managers specializing in the clean energy sector.

Technology and Startups: The country’s booming digital economy is a breeding ground for tech startups, increasing the demand for software developers, data analysts, and digital marketers. This vibrant tech scene is driving innovation and offering exciting career paths for IT professionals.

Agriculture and Agribusiness: As a major player in the agricultural sector, Indonesia offers a variety of roles from sustainable farming to agribusiness management. There’s a strong focus on enhancing domestic capabilities and expanding export capacities, which opens up numerous opportunities in food processing and distribution.

Agriculture and Agribusiness: As a major player in the agricultural sector, Indonesia offers a variety of roles from sustainable farming to agribusiness management. There’s a strong focus on enhancing domestic capabilities and expanding export capacities, which opens up numerous opportunities in food processing and distribution.

Living in Indonesia: Beyond the professional opportunities, Indonesia offers an attractive quality of life at a cost significantly lower than many developed countries. Affordable housing, inexpensive transportation options, and diverse dining experiences allow expatriates to enjoy a high standard of living while maximizing their savings.

Bottom Line: For those aiming to broaden their professional landscape and explore new cultural horizons, Indonesia presents an enticing option. With its dynamic industries, cost-effective living, and a wealth of career opportunities, Indonesia is an excellent choice for foreigners looking to enhance their career and personal life in a vibrant and diverse setting.

Leaving Canada for a Better Future? Get the Guide.

It’s clear that the Canadian job market’s over-saturation has led an absurd amount of professionals to explore opportunities abroad. Whether it’s to seek career advancement or a better quality of life, the countries like Argentina, Saudi Arabia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Mexico, and Indonesia stand out as promising alternatives, offering you a foothold in diverse industries and sectors ripe for foreign talent.

Moreover, the affordability of living expenses in these countries compared to Canada allows professionals to maximize their earnings and enjoy a higher quality of life than in Canada. Whether it’s pursuing a career in renewable energy, technology, agriculture, or healthcare, these destinations provide a pathway to success and fulfillment outside of the Great White North.

And don’t forget, if you’re looking to leave Canada, but don’t know where to start we have your back. We’ve talked to expats, ex-Canadians, and digital nomads and have compiled their research into a handy guide which you can use to plan your escape from Canada.

How to Leave Canada the complete guide

Get The Canadian Exit Guide Today

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