Ireland Emigration for Canadians


RFC Emigration Score: 69/100

Known as the Emerald Isle for its lush greenery and stunning natural beauty, Ireland offers more than just picturesque scenery. It is a nation where ancient traditions blend seamlessly with modern vibrancy, providing a unique and welcoming environment for expatriates. The Irish, known for their friendly and hospitable nature, create a community atmosphere that makes settling into a new country an easier and more enjoyable experience. Whether drawn to the bustling streets of Dublin, the historic charm of smaller towns, or the tranquility of the countryside, Ireland offers a diverse range of lifestyles and opportunities. The country’s commitment to maintaining a high quality of life, along with its strong economy and rich cultural scene, makes it an ideal choice for individuals and families looking to relocate to a place that balances professional opportunities with a deep appreciation for leisure and social connection.

Ireland Emigration for Canadians

Why Ireland is Right For You:

Budget and Cost of Living:

Ireland offers a moderate to high cost of living, with Dublin being particularly expensive in terms of housing and general expenses. However, the cost can be more manageable in smaller towns and rural areas. The country’s strong economy balances this out to some extent, as salaries are generally competitive. Expatriates should budget carefully, especially when it comes to rent, utilities, and dining out, which are significant parts of monthly expenses in urban areas.



Ireland is known for its mild, temperate climate, which includes a lot of rainfall throughout the year. While it rarely experiences extreme temperatures, the weather can be quite unpredictable, often changing several times in a single day. This climate contributes to the lush green landscape that Ireland is famous for but might require some adjustment for those used to more stable weather patterns. The frequent rains lead to stunningly green vistas and contribute to the country’s nickname, “The Emerald Isle.”



The Irish climate is characterized by mild winters and cool summers, without extreme temperatures. This can be a pleasant change for those coming from more varied climates, offering comfortable conditions for outdoor activities year-round. However, the lack of a real dry season means that residents should be prepared for rain at any time, which is an integral part of the Irish experience and contributes to the nation’s beautiful, verdant countryside.



Ireland is known for its low crime rates, particularly in terms of violent crime, making it a safe option for families and individuals. The country’s strong community ethos and the friendly nature of its people contribute to a secure and welcoming environment for expatriates. This safety factor is a significant draw for those considering relocation, providing peace of mind in urban and rural settings alike.



Ireland, especially Dublin, offers a vibrant nightlife scene. Known globally for its pubs and live music, the country provides a variety of nighttime entertainment options, from traditional Irish music sessions to modern nightclubs and theaters. The pub culture is central to Irish social life and provides a great way for newcomers to meet people and immerse themselves in the local culture.


Healthcare Access:

Ireland has a well-developed healthcare system, providing high standards of medical care. The system includes both public and private healthcare, with residents having access to a wide range of services. While public healthcare is available to all residents, some opt for private health insurance for quicker access to specialists and medical procedures. The quality of healthcare is a key consideration for expatriates, particularly those with families.



English is the predominant language in Ireland, making it an easy country for English-speaking expatriates to adapt to. While Irish (Gaelic) is also an official language, it is less commonly spoken in daily life, primarily used in certain areas of the country known as the Gaeltacht. This linguistic accessibility is a significant advantage for integration into social and professional environments.


Political Stability:

Ireland is a stable democracy with a strong legal and institutional framework. The country’s political system is characterized by its robust democratic processes and active participation in the European Union. This stability is reassuring for expatriates, providing a predictable environment for living and working.


Beach Score:

Ireland boasts numerous beautiful beaches along its extensive coastline, particularly famous for rugged, scenic beauty rather than typical sunbathing spots. Beaches like Inchydoney, Curracloe, and Lahinch are popular for their natural landscapes and offer opportunities for water sports like surfing. The cooler climate means beach days are different from those in more tropical destinations but are no less enjoyable.


Nature Score:

The country is renowned for its stunning natural beauty, from the Cliffs of Moher to the Ring of Kerry. Ireland’s landscapes offer a mix of dramatic coastlines, rolling hills, and serene lakes, making it a paradise for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. The commitment to preserving these natural spaces is evident, providing ample opportunities for hiking, cycling, and simply enjoying the outdoors.


Natural Disasters:

Ireland is relatively safe from major natural disasters. The country does not experience severe earthquakes or hurricanes, though it can be subject to strong Atlantic storms and occasional flooding in certain areas. The government’s effective management and infrastructure planning help mitigate the impacts of these events.


Economic/Job Opportunities:

Ireland has a dynamic economy with strong sectors in technology, pharmaceuticals, and finance. The presence of many multinational corporations, particularly in tech, offers numerous job opportunities for skilled professionals. While the job market is competitive, especially in high-demand sectors, the growing economy provides a promising landscape for career development.


Shopping and Grocery Access:

Shopping in Ireland ranges from traditional local markets offering fresh produce to modern shopping centers with international brands. Major cities and towns have a good mix of shopping options, catering to a variety of preferences and needs. The access to both local and global products adds to the convenience of living in Ireland.


Cost of WiFi/Data Score:

Internet services in Ireland are generally reliable and reasonably priced, with a range of options available for high-speed broadband and mobile data. This connectivity is crucial for expatriates, particularly those working remotely or keeping in touch with family and friends abroad.


Pharmacy Access:

Pharmacies are widely available across Ireland, providing easy access to medications and health advice. Many pharmacists offer consultations and can assist with minor health concerns, which is particularly helpful for new residents adjusting to the healthcare system.


Cryptocurrency Acceptance

Ireland is gradually becoming more receptive to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. There’s a growing interest in digital currencies, particularly in tech hubs like Dublin. However, traditional banking and payment methods remain predominant for everyday transactions.


Bank Safety:

The Irish banking sector is stable and secure, adhering to European Union standards. Expatriates can choose from various reputable banks for their financial needs, ensuring safety and reliability in their financial dealings.


Public Transportation and Infrastructure:

Ireland has a good public transportation network, particularly in larger cities like Dublin, Cork, and Galway. The country also boasts a well-maintained road network, making travel and commuting relatively easy and efficient.


Cultural Activities and Events:

Ireland is rich in cultural heritage, offering a wide array of activities from traditional Irish music and dance to contemporary arts and literature. The country is known for its literary history, vibrant music scene, and numerous cultural festivals, providing a lively and enriching environment for residents.


Social Integration & Community Support:

Irish society is known for its friendliness and community spirit. Newcomers often find it relatively easy to integrate, thanks to the welcoming nature of the Irish people. There are also various expatriate groups and community organizations that can help with the transition to life in Ireland.


Taxation and Financial Incentives:

Ireland has a progressive tax system, with incentives and support available for businesses, particularly in the technology and research sectors. Understanding the tax implications of living and working in Ireland is important for expatriates, especially for those considering starting a business or investing.


Real Estate Affordability and Availability:

The housing market in Ireland varies, with high prices in Dublin and more affordable options in other regions. The demand for housing in urban areas can make finding suitable accommodation challenging, but the market also offers a range of choices for different budgets and preferences.


RFC’s Ireland Emigration Score:


Ireland’s blend of traditional charm and contemporary innovation provides a dynamic backdrop for those seeking to start anew in a country that values both its heritage and its future. The welcoming nature of the Irish people, combined with the country’s stunning landscapes and robust economic environment, makes Ireland not just a place to live, but a place to thrive. For those considering making Ireland their new home, the journey promises to be one of discovery and fulfillment, offering the chance to become part of a society known for its warmth, resilience, and spirit of inclusivity.


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