Romania Emigration for Canadians

Romania Emigration for Canadians

RFC Emigration Score: 77/100

Welcome to Romania, a country where the charm of ancient history mixes with the vibrancy of modern life. Nestled in Eastern Europe, Romania is a land of diverse landscapes, from the mystical Carpathian Mountains to the serene Danube Delta. It’s a place where medieval castles and fortresses stand as reminders of a rich historical past, while bustling cities like Bucharest pulse with contemporary energy. Its natural and historical treasures, combined with its warm hospitality, make Romania emigration for Canadians an intriguing option.

Worm's eye view of a Romanian Castle

Why Romania is Right For You:

Budget and Cost of Living:

Romania is known for its relatively low cost of living, especially when compared to Western European countries. Expenses such as housing, groceries, and public transportation are typically more affordable, offering a significant cost advantage for those relocating. Even in larger cities like Bucharest, the capital, living costs remain reasonable, making Romania an attractive destination for budget-conscious individuals.



Romania experiences a temperate-continental climate with four distinct seasons. Summers are warm and sunny, ideal for outdoor activities and exploring the country’s natural beauty, while winters can be cold with snow, particularly in mountainous regions, offering opportunities for winter sports. This diverse climate appeals to those who enjoy experiencing a full range of seasonal changes.



The weather in Romania varies significantly throughout the year. The coastal region of the Black Sea enjoys milder weather, while the interior sees more extreme seasonal changes. Spring and autumn are particularly pleasant, with mild temperatures and less rainfall, making them ideal times for tourism and outdoor activities.



Romania is generally a safe country, with low rates of violent crime. This aspect makes it a desirable location for families and individuals seeking a secure living environment. Standard safety precautions are advised, as in any other country.



The nightlife in Romania, especially in urban areas like Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, and Timișoara, is vibrant and diverse. From lively clubs and bars to cultural events and festivals, Romania offers a rich nightlife experience for all tastes and preferences.


Healthcare Access:

Romania’s healthcare system has been improving, with access to both public and private healthcare facilities. Expatriates often opt for private health insurance to ensure access to a wider range of health services and shorter waiting times.



Romanian is the official language, and while English is commonly spoken in major cities and tourist areas, learning Romanian can greatly enhance social integration and everyday interactions, especially in rural areas.


Political Stability:

Romania, as a member of the European Union, generally enjoys political stability. While it has experienced political changes and reforms, it maintains a stable environment, which is crucial for those considering long-term relocation.


Beach Score:

Romania’s Black Sea coast offers picturesque beaches and seaside resorts, such as Mamaia and Vama Veche, providing delightful summer destinations for beach lovers.


Nature Score:

The country’s natural landscapes, from the Carpathian Mountains to the Danube Delta, are breathtaking. Romania is a haven for nature enthusiasts, offering hiking, skiing, and wildlife watching opportunities.


Natural Disasters:

Romania’s risk of natural disasters is relatively low, with occasional earthquakes being the most significant concern. The country is well-prepared for such events, with good emergency response systems in place.


Economic/Job Opportunities:

Romania’s economy has been growing, with increasing opportunities in sectors like technology, services, and agriculture. The job market can be competitive, and proficiency in Romanian is often beneficial for employment prospects.


Shopping and Grocery Access:

Romania offers a diverse shopping experience, ranging from traditional markets offering local produce and crafts to modern shopping malls with international brands. This variety caters to all shopping needs and preferences.


Cost of WiFi/Data Score:

Internet access in Romania is affordable and among the fastest in Europe, with excellent coverage in urban and many rural areas, ensuring reliable connectivity.


Pharmacy Access:

Access to pharmacies in Romania is good, with a wide network available in both urban and rural areas, offering a range of medical services and products.


Cryptocurrency Acceptance

Interest in cryptocurrency is growing in Romania, with an emerging community and increasing acceptance, though it’s still in the developmental stage compared to traditional financial systems.


Bank Safety:

Romania’s banking sector is stable and aligns with European banking standards, ensuring a secure environment for banking and financial transactions.


Public Transportation and Infrastructure:

Public transportation in Romania, particularly in major cities, is well-developed and affordable. Ongoing investments in infrastructure improvement enhance the overall efficiency and convenience of transport systems.


Cultural Activities and Events:

Romania’s rich cultural heritage is reflected in its numerous festivals, historical sites, and museums, offering a wealth of cultural experiences for residents and visitors.


Social Integration & Community Support:

Romanians are known for their hospitality, and the expatriate community is growing, offering a supportive environment for newcomers. Social integration is facilitated by various networks and community groups.


Taxation and Financial Incentives:

Romania offers various financial incentives, especially for investors and entrepreneurs. Understanding the local taxation system is important for those looking to establish businesses or work in Romania.


Real Estate Affordability and Availability:

The real estate market in Romania provides a range of options, from affordable housing in rural areas to more expensive properties in major cities, offering opportunities for diverse living preferences and budgets.


RFC’s Romania Emigration Score:


Romania represents a journey through time, a destination that offers more than just a new place to live—it offers an experience steeped in history and tradition. For those considering a move abroad, Romania stands out as a land that not only promises a high quality of life but also an opportunity to immerse oneself in a lifestyle that celebrates the beauty of nature, the depth of history, and the warmth of community. Romania’s varied landscape, from its majestic mountains to its lush valleys and vibrant cities, combined with its rich cultural heritage, creates a living experience that is both diverse and fulfilling. Embracing life in Romania means becoming part of a community that values its past while embracing a future filled with potential and possibilities. As new residents explore the wonders of Romania, they will find themselves in a world of discovery, surrounded by stunning scenery and a culture that is uniquely Romanian, full of warmth, resilience, and endless charm. ​​


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