Digital Nomad Starter Kit – The Complete Guide

Panama Coast

What the Digital Nomad Starter Kit Can Do For You

Digital nomading has given people a new perspective on how they look at work itself. Since the start of the Covid-19, remote work proved that people can perform their duties worldwide without a boss breathing down their neck.

Those lucky to work remotely realized they can collect a high salary from their home country while living well in a significantly cheaper cost of living country.

But, what if you’re stuck in your 9-5 job and don’t know how to find or create your own remote job?

Don’t worry, the will show you several pathways which you can take to transform yourself from an office worker into a remote-working world traveller.

As an ex-office worker myself, I’ve studied, asked around, and compiled the tricks and tips you need to know to make this transition. And now, I’m giving them back to you.

What’s Included in the Digital Nomad Starter Kit?

The Digital Nomad Starter Kit Guide

Only $9.00 CAD!

  • How to find or create your own remote work
  • Get help choosing your destination
  • Getting your visa, understanding taxes and legal obligations as a digital nomad
  • Integrating into local cultures and how to find your Digital Nomad friends
  • How and what to pack for each climate you travelling to
  • How to stay productive as a digital nomad

Consider This Your 9-5 Job Exit Guide

For those looking to sidestep a the traditional 9-5, cost of living crises, and quality of life declines, the Digital Nomad Starter Kit can be your escape route. But how does it work?

The Digital Nomad Starter Kit will also help you find your inner nomad circle

I’ve interviewed numerous expats, learning from their experiences and insights and distilled them into this guide.

The result? A package of practical and valuable advice for living your dream life abroad and becoming a digital nomad in the quickest time frame possible.

After all, our goal at RunFromCanada is not only to help you leave Canada but to help people leave their Western nations to find financial and personal freedom in a country where they feel most at home.

In these uncertain times, where financial stability feels increasingly hard for all of us, this guide shows you how to become an online worker, find a suitable country to live in based on your budget, and how to continue to work from beautiful, affordable places that allow you to thrive financially.

Get your Starter Kit Today!

Find Your Next Home-Base away from Home

The Starter Kit will show you how to pick a country that fits your budget, lifestyle, and fits in with your long term goals.

Is the Digital Nomad Starter Kit Right For Me?

Banking while overseas doesn't have to be stressful

Whether you’re seeking adventure, personal growth, or just a break from the traditional 9-to-5 lifestyle that doesn’t seem worth it anymore, the digital nomad starter kit is here to help you.

It’s created with the beginner in mind and written to provide the knowledge and tools you’ll need to sustain yourself from wherever you have a WiFi connection. Now, if you’ve been looking for that calling card to tell you to start this new chapter in your life, this is it. And it’s you’re lucky day because we’re gonna make sure you’re prepared to hit the road running.

If true that in today’s economy, working a traditional job is no longer going to bring you to financial freedom. Especially if you have to live in a high cost of living country. We’re giving you the blueprint to break this cycle and avoid financial slavery. If that’s something you’re interested in, then this starter kit will help.

But What If I Don’t Have a Remote Job?

If you think you need to have a remote job lined up to become a digital nomad, you’re wrong. In the Digital Nomad Starter Kit we focus deeply into the tried and true methods of creating sustainable passive or active income online.

Specifically, in this guide we detail how anyone can leverage their existing skills to either:

  • Finding remote work that fits best for you
  • Creating your own remote work through selling your services
  • Or even, how your can buy your own profitable online business or become a partner in one.
  • Furthermore, depending on your income level the Digital Nomad Starter Kit also help you decide on finding a low cost country where you can work from as you scale your online empire.

So, in short either your old, young, have not computer skills, or are an online marketing genius, this guide can and will help you in your your new life as a digital nomad.

How Fast Can I Become a Digital Nomad?

Technically, you can become a full-fledged digital nomad as soon as you leave your country. But, for how long can you sustain it?

Fully embracing the digital nomad lifestyle and being able to make money while anywhere in the world is a skill which will take time to develop. I’m not going to sugar coat it – If you’re a complete beginner to Nomading, it could take upwards of a year or two.

However, during we’ve got you covered. In this guide we’ll walk you through the specific skills, outsourcing techniques, and arbitrage moves you need to know to fast-track your growth. We have also compiled all of our biggest mistakes while Nomading so you don’t have to make them yourself.

This lifestyle isn’t just about finding better work conditions; it’s about reshaping your entire approach to what a balanced life can look like.

It challenges the notion that high productivity must be tied to a fixed location and shows that a fulfilling professional life can go hand-in-hand with personal exploration and freedom.

Digital Nomad working while sipping a smoothie
Get your Starter Kit Today!

Escape the 9-5 Grind

It’s not your grandma’s economy. Traditional jobs don’t allow you to win financially. The Digital Nomad Starter Kit is here to turn the work-life balance in your favour.


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