Fiji Emigration for Canadians


RFC Emigration Score: 79/100

Fiji, with its picturesque landscapes and crystal-clear waters, is rapidly emerging as a coveted destination for those seeking a blend of beauty and cultural depth. This island nation, nestled in the heart of the South Pacific, offers a vibrant mix of serene beaches, lush rainforests, and a rich tapestry of cultural traditions, making it an alluring spot for expatriates and eclectic travelers. While Fiji is known for its postcard-perfect scenery and warm, welcoming locals, it’s also a place of intriguing contrasts and unique challenges. As it gains popularity on the global stage, Fiji presents a fascinating blend of the traditional and the modern, offering a lifestyle that is both comfortably familiar and intriguingly different. This combination positions Fiji as a uniquely appealing destination for those looking to experience life beyond the ordinary.

Fiji Flag in Wind

Why Fiji is Right For You:

Budget and Cost of Living:

Fiji offers a relatively low cost of living, except for housing rent. Groceries and local produce are affordable. However, expat accommodation, especially in cities like Suva and Nadi, can be expensive due to limited supply.



The climate is tropical marine, characterized by wet and dry seasons. The humidity and constant rain during the wet season can be challenging for some​.



Fiji enjoys warm weather year-round, making it an ideal destination for those who prefer tropical climates​.



Fiji is very safe however petty theft and house break-ins are common in Fiji. Many residents invest in home security systems​.



: Indonesia offers a vibrant nightlife, particularly in major cities like Jakarta and Bali. These areas have a range of options from upscale clubs to more casual bars and beach parties.


Healthcare Access:

Fiji has both public and private healthcare options. Most expats use private hospitals in Suva and Nadi, though they might need to go to Australia or Singapore for more complex treatments



English, Fijian, and Hindi are the main languages spoken in Fiji, facilitating communication for English-speaking expats


Political Stability:

Fiji has had issues with political instability in the past, which has affected its economy. It’s stability is somewhat fragile but solidifying.

Fiji’s relationship with major regional and global powers, including Australia, China, and the United States, is also an area of focus. The Fijian government has expressed a preference to align with countries that uphold democratic traditions, indicating a potential shift in Fiji’s foreign policy and diplomatic relations.

Overall, while there have been significant political changes and a move towards more democratic practices, the situation in Fiji is still evolving, and the stability of the new government will be a key factor to watch in the coming months and years.


Beach Score:

Fiji is renowned for its beautiful beaches, which are a major attraction for expats​ and known as some of the most beautiful in the world.


Nature Score:

The country’s natural beauty, including blue skies and scenic landscapes, is highly praised.


Natural Disasters:

Fiji’s cyclone season runs from November to April, and these events can range from mild to massively destructive. You’ve been warned.


Economic/Job Opportunities:

Job opportunities are limited, with a challenging job market. Expats often need to secure a job before moving.


Shopping and Grocery Access:

Groceries are available from multiple sources including markets and roadside stands. Some items may need to be shipped from larger islands or other countries​


Cost of WiFi/Data Score:

Internet connectivity can be unreliable, which is a concern for those working online.


Pharmacy Access:

Fiji has both public and private healthcare facilities, with pharmacies available in urban areas. Expats might find that some prescription pharmaceuticals may be in short supply, so it’s advisable to plan accordingly, especially for specific or critical medication needs.


Cryptocurrency Acceptance

In general, cryptocurrency in Fiji is used for investment purposes and is not widely accepted as a form of payment.

However, it may be more common among expat communities.


Bank Safety:

Fiji has many safe multinational banks available with ATMs available in main cities, and credit cards are widely accepted in urban areas


Public Transportation and Infrastructure:

Public transport is extensive but the infrastructure is underdeveloped. Driving conditions can be challenging due to aggressive driving and poor road quality


Cultural Activities and Events:

Fiji offers a rich culture and traditions with various activities available, especially in resorts


Social Integration & Community Support:

Fijians are known for their welcoming and friendly nature, contributing to a positive social environment for expats


Taxation and Financial Incentives:

Resident individuals in Fiji are taxed on income accruing in or derived from Fiji or elsewhere, while non-residents are taxed only on income accruing in or derived from Fiji.

The income tax threshold for resident individuals is FJD 30,000, with different rates applicable above this threshold. For example, where the taxable income of a resident exceeds FJD 50,000, income tax is FJD 3,600 plus 20% of the excess over FJD 50,000.

Non-residents are taxed at a rate of 20% on their taxable income. Additionally, social responsibility tax (SRT) and environment and climate adaptation levy (ECAL) may be imposed on chargeable income.Income types such as employment income, income from property, business income, and investment income (e.g., rent, royalties, interest, dividends) are considered for tax purposes.


Real Estate Affordability and Availability:

Real estate in Fiji is categorized into freehold, native lease, and crown lease. Freehold land is available for purchase by expats but may be limited in certain areas​ However, it is much more affordable than in western nations.


RFC’s Fiji’s Emigration Score:


Fiji stands out as an increasingly popular destination, particularly for those seeking a blend of tropical beauty and unique cultural experiences. This charming archipelago offers an inviting mix of warm, sunny weather, stunning beaches, and a laid-back lifestyle, making it an attractive option for expatriates and adventurers alike. However, as with any up-and-coming destination, Fiji comes with its own set of quirks and challenges. From navigating a tax system that favors residents, to adapting to limited but evolving access to modern amenities like pharmacies and digital technologies like cryptocurrency, life in Fiji can be a delightful blend of the familiar and the unexpected. As Fiji continues to grow and attract global attention, its blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and emerging opportunities in a developing infrastructure make it a uniquely appealing choice for those looking for something a little different from the usual expatriate destinations.


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