Indonesia Emigration for Canadians


RFC Emigration Score: 83/100

Discover the enchanting allure of Indonesia, a diverse mosaic of cultures, landscapes, and experiences. This Southeast Asian archipelago beckons with its mesmerizing blend of vibrant traditions, bustling metropolises, and tranquil island paradises. From the dynamic streets of Jakarta, teeming with cultural and culinary delights, to the serene, picturesque beaches of Bali and the untouched natural beauty of Sumatra, Indonesia offers an adventure for every taste. With over 17,000 islands, each with its unique charm, Indonesia is a haven for explorers seeking to immerse themselves in rich cultural heritage, indulge in diverse cuisines, and embrace the warmth of its welcoming communities. Whether you’re captivated by its historical temples, thriving arts scene, or lush, verdant landscapes, Indonesia promises an experience that is as diverse and captivating as the archipelago itself.

Why Indonesia is Right For You:

Budget and Cost of Living:

Indonesia offers a relatively low cost of living compared to many Western countries, making it an attractive destination for expats seeking a more affordable lifestyle. Accommodation, food, and transportation are generally less expensive, but costs can vary depending on the region and lifestyle choices.



Indonesia’s climate zone is tropical, with a hot and humid environment. The country’s proximity to the equator ensures relatively even temperatures throughout the year.



Indonesia has a tropical climate, characterized by high humidity and temperatures that remain fairly constant throughout the year. The country experiences two primary seasons: the dry season and the rainy season. The dry season typically lasts from May to September, while the rainy season spans from October to April.



Safety in Indonesia can vary by region. While Indonesia has been known for instances of extremism and terrorism in the past, the government has been active in cracking down on such activities. In general, expats are advised to stay vigilant, keep a low profile, and stay informed about their surroundings.



: Indonesia offers a vibrant nightlife, particularly in major cities like Jakarta and Bali. These areas have a range of options from upscale clubs to more casual bars and beach parties.


Healthcare Access:

Healthcare in Indonesia varies in quality. The public healthcare sector may not always meet Western standards, so expats typically prefer private healthcare. It’s advisable to have comprehensive health insurance, and many expats choose to travel to Singapore for more complex medical treatments.



The official language of Indonesia is Bahasa Indonesia. English is widely spoken in major cities, tourist destinations, and in the business and educational sectors, making it easier for expats to communicate.


Political Stability:

Indonesia is a democratic country with a presidential system. The political climate has been stable in recent years, but it’s always wise for expats to stay informed about local political developments.


Beach Score:

Indonesia is renowned for its stunning beaches, especially in Bali and other islands, making it a paradise for beach lovers.


Nature Score:

Indonesia is known for its diverse natural landscapes, including tropical rainforests, volcanic mountains, and rich marine biodiversity.


Natural Disasters:

Indonesia is prone to natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions due to its location on the Pacific Ring of Fire.


Economic/Job Opportunities:

Job opportunities for expats in Indonesia are mainly concentrated in major cities and are often linked to teaching, the tech industry, and multinational corporations.


Shopping and Grocery Access:

Indonesia offers a good mix of local markets and modern supermarkets, especially in urban areas.


Cost of WiFi/Data Score:

Internet access is widely available in urban areas, with varying degrees of reliability and speed. Rural areas might have limited access.


Pharmacy Access:

Pharmacies are readily available in cities and tourist areas, providing a wide range of medical supplies.


Cryptocurrency Acceptance

In general, cryptocurrency in Indonesia is used mainly for trading and investment purposes but is not widely accepted as a form of payment. The Indonesian government and Bank Indonesia, the country’s central bank, have prohibited the use of cryptocurrencies as a legitimate payment tool. This means that while individuals in Indonesia can own, buy, and sell cryptocurrencies as investment assets, they cannot legally use them to pay for goods and services.

However, it may be more common among expat communities.


Bank Safety:

The banking system in Indonesia is reliable with several national and international banks operating across the country.


Public Transportation and Infrastructure:

Public transportation is available but can vary in quality. Major cities like Jakarta have more developed transportation systems.


Cultural Activities and Events:

Indonesia offers a rich cultural experience, with numerous festivals, historical sites, and a diverse arts scene.


Social Integration & Community Support:

Indonesia is known for its friendly locals, and there are expat communities, especially in popular areas like Bali and Jakarta.


Taxation and Financial Incentives:

Indonesia has a taxation system that expats should familiarize themselves with, especially if they’re planning to work or start a business there. Indonesia’s tax system is relatively uncomplicated, but includes individual income taxes which are usually lower compared to other nations.


Real Estate Affordability and Availability:

The cost of real estate varies significantly across Indonesia, with options ranging from affordable apartments to luxury properties. However, it is much more affordable than in most western nations.


RFC’s Indonesia’s Emigration Score:


Indonesia, with its rich cultural heritage, stunning natural landscapes, and vibrant cities, offers a fascinating destination for expatriates. The country’s vast archipelago provides a diverse range of living experiences, from the bustling life in Jakarta to the serene beaches of Bali. Despite its cautious approach to cryptocurrencies, Indonesia’s economy is growing, offering various opportunities, particularly in sectors like tourism, manufacturing, and technology. The affordable cost of living, coupled with a warm tropical climate and friendly communities, makes it an attractive option for those seeking a new adventure. Indonesia’s blend of modern urban environments and traditional rural settings offers a unique lifestyle choice for expats looking to immerse themselves in a new cultural and natural environment.


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